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A tool to de-identify production data

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A CLI that allows you to de-identify data in your database.

gem install fakerize
# create a config file
# run
fakerize database:convert mysql://user@localhost/mydb myconfig.yml


We needed a way to quickly generate a demo system that has some real data, but in a way that provided a complete de-identification of people in our database. We wanted to make the process extensible and re-usable so that we can use for our future data stores.

Config File

Using a yaml config file that contians a list of tables within each table a list of fields to fakerize, then on each field it contains the Faker Class and Method that needs to be called.

Here is an example:

    :name: :patients
      :field: :last_name
      :fakerize: Name.last_name
      :field: :first_name
      :fakerize: Name.first_name

Command Line

Just pass the Sequel Connection string

fakerize database:convert mysql://root@localhost/mydb my_config.yml

